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Spiritual Warfare through Prayer - Part Five
by Alex M. Lindsay
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Reference: Isaiah 59

It is Time to Stand

Our text shows Judah at a low moral and spiritual ebb. God's blessings have departed and people don't seem to know why (vs. 1-2). Violence, lies, blasphemy, among many other sins, prevails. Yet, no one seems to be searching for action against the source of the problem. Like a woman who conceives and brings forth a child, Judah has embraced sin and is giving birth to more sinful problems (vs. 3-4). Judah is hatching snake eggs (KJV - "cockatrice") causing much destruction (vs. 5). Lies, like spider webs, do not weave into clothing. So they are naked before God (vs. 6 cp. Revelation 3:14-19). Note vs. 7-8 cp. Romans 3:15-17. Miseries abound in Judah. Yet, no one wants the truth that could set them free (John 8:30-36). If someone attempts to do the right thing they are hunted down and destroyed (vs. 9-15). The LORD saw this and searched for anyone who cared and would intercede / intervene (Ezekiel 9:4; Malachi 3:16-18; John 4:23-24). Since there was no man, the Lord himself would put on his armor and deal with the nations sins Himself (vs. 16-18). The LORD will send in the Babylonians to conquer and subdue the nation for 70 years (Jeremiah 23:8-11). Isaiah 59:16-17 gives us a glimpse of the Son of God, sent to be a deliverer and intercessor to His people (cp. Isaiah 53:12). This passage also seems to be a source for Paul's writings in Ephesians 6:10 18. Ultimately, The Lord Jesus Christ will come and deliver His people Israel from all their enemies (Isaiah 59:19-21 cp. Revelation 19:11-21).

Our focus now is on Isaiah 59:15-16. When the LORD looked for someone who cared and would intercede / intervene He found no one (Proverbs 24:11-12). So, He put on His armor did it himself. Today the LORD is handing the armor to us, calling us to do spiritual warfare against Satan's kingdom. It is time to take our stand (I Corinthians 16:13). Armor does no good to those who are lying down!

Stand against the wiles of the Devil - Ephesians 6:10-13
"Wiles" = his clever schemes. Don't be ignorant of his ways cp. II Corinthians 2:11; I Peter 5:8-9.

Stand in the Gap - Ezekiel 22:30
There is a break in the hedge / wall. Somebody ought to do something! Will you be that person? See Jeremiah 5:1-6; Isaiah 51:17-19; Genesis 18:23-33. Do you believe that prayer can make a difference? See James 5:13-20.

Stand between the dead and the living - Numbers 16:41-48
A terrible rebellion among the people of Israel resulted in a deadly plague. Aaron interceded during the plague. Burning incense (See Revelation 8:3-4) he stood between the dead and the living. Consider the plague that is coming upon this earth (Malachi 4:5-6; II Timothy 3:1-5).

Originally delivered November 3, 2013
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