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What Has the Word of God done for you?
by Alex M. Lindsay
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Reference: Psalm 119:161-168

Many people read their Bible everyday...or at least once a week...or at least while they listen to a sermon on Sunday, once in a while. The question is, what is the Bible doing for you? How does it affect you...or does it? Methodically running our eyes over Bible verses doesn't necessarily do any good. We can read it and be numb towards it. We may say that we read the Bible, but does the Bible read us?

Psalm 119 is a great psalm to show, not only an example of the great effect of the Bible on the believer, but that we actually maintain a living relationship with God through Scripture. It's a long psalm, divided into 22 sections of 8. It would be easy to carefully read in one month (just reading on Mondays through Fridays). Here, is just one section that we will allow to ask us seven questions.

Does the Word of God produce Awe? Psalm 119:161

In this verse the Hebrew word for "awe" means "fear." Think of reverence. Has the Bible every made you amazed, overwhelmed or speechless? Does the Bible impact you more than the problems of the world? See Psalm 119:119-120 cp. Isaiah 66:1-2. Note Psalm 4:4 has a different Hebrew word for "awe.' It means "to be disturbed, moved with anger." See Ephesians 4:26.

Does the Word of God produce Joy? Psalm 119:162

We should experience excitement, just like we found great treasure. Think of the thrills that people are seeking when they go to garage sales! People spend endless hours using metal detectors, surfing the Internet, watching TV, movies, etc. Everyone is looking everywhere for pleasure and satisfaction. How about the Bible? See Psalm 119: 14, 24,143,174. Cp. Psalm 19:7-11; Proverbs 2; John 17:13; Romans 15:4-5,13; I John 1:4.

Does the Word of God produce Love for Truth and hatred for lying? Psalm 119:163

Love for God and His Word cannot leave us in the middle of the road concerning evil. Luke warmness makes the Lord want to vomit (Revelation 3:14-22). Psalm 119:104,113,126-128. Cp. Psalm 97:10-12; Psalm 101; John 18:37; Romans 12:9; Ephesians 5:1-14; I John 2:15-17.

Does the Word of God produce continual praise and thanksgiving? Psalm 119:164

Or, are we caught up in the common world-view that produces negative and bitter thinking and talking? See Psalm 119:62. Cp. Psalm 34:1-3; 71:15,24; Philippians 4:4; Ephesians 5:14-21; Hebrews 13:15.

Does the Word of God produce peace and freedom from stumbling in the dark? Psalm 119:165

We need light to see. Even if we stumble, we can see what we stumbled over and not keep stumbling. Psalm 119:9-11,54,59. Cp. Psalm 37; Proverbs 4:18-19; Isaiah 32:17; John 8:12; 11:9-10; 12:35-36.

Does the Word of God produce love, hope and obedience? Psalm 119:166-167

Obedience does not come through a legal sense of guilt and obligation. Obedience is the fruit of a life filled with love, faith, encouragement and promise. See Psalm 119:32,49-50,92-93,107,175. Cp. Romans 2:4; 5:1-5; I Thessalonians 5:23-24; II Peter 1:2-4; I John 5:1-5.

Does the Word of God produce a strong sense of God's presence? Psalm 119:168

See Psalm 119:12,33-40,64,75. Cp. Psalm 33:13-22; Hebrews 4:11-16.
Originally delivered July 14, 2013
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