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I am the Bread of Life
by Alex M Lindsay
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Reference: John 6:5-15; 24-37

The sixth chapter of John is difficult to study all at once. With two great miracles, a long and difficult discussion, ending in an attempted murder – there is a lot to digest!

Why did people follow Jesus?

  • John 6:2 – They wanted a messiah who could promote a long and healthy life.
  • John 6:14-15 – They wanted a messiah who would handle their national and social agenda.
  • John 6:26 – They were not considering the divine and eternal aspects of what Jesus was doing. They physically benefitted from the miracles and wanted a messiah that would supply their physical needs and desires.
  • When Jesus confronted the people about the priority of the divine and eternal agenda of God the Father, they asked Jesus to instruct them in good works (John 6:27-29). Jesus told them that, rather than a system of works, it is faith in the Son of God that they need. The people responded by asking for a sign. Despite all the miracles that they had already seen, they were requiring more spectacular things (John 6:30-31). See Matthew 12:38-42; 16:1-17. Jesus is not interested in satisfying the curiosity of men. The kind of faith that it takes to love and embrace the Son of God comes from God’s Spirit, working through Scripture, to reveal the true Christ and the real purpose for which He came to earth (John 6:44-45; I Corinthians 1:18-24; 2:7-16).

    Jesus introduced Himself as the true bread from heaven; the bread of God that gives spiritual life unto the world; the bread of life that will nourish and satisfy the soul forever (John 6:32-35, 63). The people immediately said that they wanted this kind of bread, but Jesus knew that they did not really believe (John 6:34-36 cp. 10:22-31). The rest of the discussion will make that abundantly clear!

    Jesus revealed the eternal purpose of the Father – to send His Son to separate a people who would be His forever, after this world had passed away. The forever family of God can look past death and look forward to the resurrection, new heaven and new earth! The people responded by questioning His earthly pedigree (John 6:37-47 cp. 14:1-6; I John 2:15-17; 5:10-12; II Peter 3:10-13).

    Jesus revealed the meaning of His being the bread of life – It is a life and death matter, in which people must partake of what Christ accomplished with His body and blood on the cross. The soul cannot live without the sacrifice of Christ. The people responded with arguments, among themselves, about what this meant. The arguments continue to this day. Some have reduced these words to merely being a teaching about communion! See John 6:48-60 cp. Hebrews 9:11 – 10:14.

    Jesus pressed the message of eternal life and revealed the power of His word to separate people from this world. Multitudes responded by turning away, going back to their comfortable religion. A few knew that there was no turning back – Christ is the only way (John 6:61-71 cp. I Corinthians 1:26 – 2:5).

    Originally delivered October 11, 2015
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